Earn AKC TRicks Titles by Video
Earn AKC Tricks Titles via Video!
Dog owners may teach their dogs tricks at home and submit a video to me - I'm an AKC CGC Evaluator - for review and approval. This applies to all levels of AKC Trick Dog training. AKC Trick Dog resources can be found here.
A few notes:
Tricks Descriptions and suggestions - so you know you're doing them correctly!
At all levels, you only need to do each trick once. (A few of the tricks require more than one activity (Touch and Puppy Push-ups as examples) - be sure to read the descriptions in the guide above!)
You can use a clicker and give food as a reward at any level.
Novice is the only level you can use food as a lure.
You will need your dog's AKC or PAL# and breed to complete the paperwork.
I charge $15 per evaluation.
Payments to me can be sent via PayPal to 4pawsinaction@gmail.com or Venmo to @Donna-Nisleit
Your video can be one long video or several short ones. You can send me video(s) several ways: you can text it to me (if you have an iPhone), upload it to YouTube and send me the link, or send it to me via Facebook Messenger.
Questions? Ask me!
How It Works
Dog owners teach tricks to their dogs at home
When the dog has learned the tricks for the title, the dog owner sends a video (via a link, etc) of the dog performing the tricks to me, along with a copy of the filled out Tricks Checklist.
I will reviews the video.
Once I review and approve the video, I will send the signed Checklist back to the you, the DOG OWNER, confirming that the dog passed the test.
Then, to apply for the title, you - the DOG OWNER - must submit your title application and fees to AKC either:
Online: using the AKC Title Application Portal
Or via mail, e-mail or fax:
the AKC recording fees appropriate to the number of titles being submitted
the verified TRICKS CHECKLIST (for each title level submitted)